
KOMMUNIKASIEBELEID  28 Mei 2020  Inleiding  Die beeld en reputasie van die Gouritz Groep Biosfeerreservaat (GGBR) is sensitief vir die  kommunikasie wat in die openbare domein voorkom, hetsy deur middel van direkte plasing  via verskeie soorte...

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Communications Policy

COMMUNICATIONS POLICY  28 May 2020  Introduction  The Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve’s (GCBR) image and reputation are sensitive to the  communications that occur in the public domain whether through direct placement via  multiple types of...

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RISIKOBESTUURSBELEID  Oktober 2019  Waarom 'n beleid?  Dit is moeilik om GGBR-aktiwiteite te identifiseer wat nie aan die een of ander vorm en vlak  van risiko gekoppel is nie. In werklikheid, om kreatief en innoverend te wees, moet GGBR projekte...

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Risk Management Policy

RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY  October 2019  Why a policy?  It is difficult to identify GCBR activities that do not involve some form and level of risk. In fact,  to be creative and innovative GCBR-related projects and relationships often need to...

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April 2019  LIDMAATSKAPDOELWIT  Die GGBR se vermoë om andere te beïnvloed, te mobiliseer, te help en in te lig gaan hand aan  hand met groei in die skaal en omvang van sy lidmaatskap. Dit is derhalwe die Gouritz Groep  Biosfeerreservaat (GGBR) se...

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Membership Policy

April 2019 Membership Goal GCBR’s ability to influence, mobilise, enable and inform others goes hand in hand with growth in the scale and scope of its membership. Therefore, GCBR aims to engage with a diverse collective of active responsible citizens as members,...

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